Himalaya Music Fountain


Beira Town Theme Park Interactive Fountain Project, China

Fountain Location : China
Fountain Size : Interactive Group Fountain,Combine Bike fountain,Yell Fountain with Water Guns

Fountain Features and description

In 2019, Changsha Himalaya Music Fountain Company created a uniquely creative and interactive fountain set for the Bella Town scenic area. This fountain project consists of four sets of bicycle fountains, two sets of “shouting fountains,” and four sets of water cannons. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful performances of these fountains through automatic control. Additionally, the bicycle fountains and “shouting fountains” allow visitors to compete in groups, challenging their speed and strength—the faster they pedal, the higher the water sprays. This friendly competition among visitors adds fun and excitement to their experience.

The interactive fountain set in Bella Town is a delightful combination of creativity, entertainment, and interactivity. It not only enhances the scenic area with an impressive landscape but also provides an ideal place for visitors to spend quality time with family and friends.

Fountain Effect

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Beira Town Theme Park Interactive Water Fountain Project, China
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