Himalaya Music Fountain


What Is The Music Fountain Laser Show?

Among the many fountain construction projects designed and produced by Himalaya Fountain Company, various laser shows can often be seen. What is the music fountain laser show?

The Musical Fountain laser water show uses lasers to create visual effects that are projected onto a water curtain or fountain spray water. Generally, lasers are not pointed at audience to avoid eye damage. In order to enhance the effect, laser shows are often performed together with fireworks, because fireworks in addition to their own profusion, but also give the smoke.

In the music fountain show, the efficient laser light source is the primary factor of the laser show, the efficient laser light source is not a simple light source, in addition to the need for efficient light source, should also pay attention to the program programming, music fountain and laser show, etc. which requires professional music fountain company to complete. HIMALAYA FOUNTAIN COMPANY, specializing in fountain construction for 15 years, has a strong technical ability in fountain programming, And is currently the industry leader in China.

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