Himalaya Music Fountain


Common Faults and Solutions of the Musical Dancing Fountain As a waterscape facility integrating water, light and music, the musical fountain is widely used in public places such as city squares and parks. However, due to its complex mechanical and electronic systems, some faults may occur during use. Himalaya Fountain Company will introduce several common musical fountain faults and their solutions in detail to help maintenance personnel better perform maintenance and repairs. 1. The fountain does not produce water Cause of failure Water pump failure: The water pump is the core component of the musical fountain. If the water pump is damaged or works abnormally, the fountain will not be able to produce water. Water pipe blockage: Long-term use of the water pipe may be blocked by impurities, algae, etc., resulting in poor water flow. Insufficient water level: If the water level in the fountain pool is lower than the set value, the fountain will also be unable to produce water. Solution Check the water pump: Check the working status of the water pump regularly, and replace or repair it in time if abnormalities are found. Clean the water pipe: Clean the fountain water pipe regularly to ensure smooth water flow. Monitor the water level: Ensure that the water level in the fountain pool is within the normal range and replenish water when necessary. 2. The fountain water column is uneven Cause of failure Nozzle blockage: The nozzle is blocked by debris, resulting in uneven water column. Unstable water pressure: The unstable water supply pressure of the water pump can also cause uneven water column. Solution Cleaning the nozzle: Clean the nozzle regularly to prevent debris from blocking. Adjust the water pressure: Check and adjust the water supply pressure of the water pump to ensure stable water pressure. 3. The music and fountain are not synchronized Cause of failure Control system failure: The control system fails, resulting in the inability of music and fountain to synchronize. Signal transmission problem: The signal transmission line fails or interferes, affecting the synchronization effect. Solution Repair the control system: Check the hardware and software of the control system, and repair or replace it in time if the fault is found. Check the signal transmission line: Ensure that the signal transmission line is intact, and replace or add anti-interference equipment if necessary. 4. The fountain light is not on or flickering Cause of failure Lamp damage: The lamp expires or is damaged, resulting in the light not on. Line failure: The wire is aged or damaged, resulting in the light not on or flickering. Solution Replace lamps: Regularly check and replace aging or damaged fountain lights. Inspection circuit: Check the integrity of the wires and replace them in time if any problems are found. 5. Abnormal sound of fountain Cause of fault Abnormal water pump: Abnormal sound is generated during the operation of the water pump, which may be caused by wear or damage of internal parts. Pipeline resonance: When water flows through the pipe, it causes resonance and noise. Solution Maintain the water pump: Regularly maintain and inspect the water pump, and replace worn or damaged parts in time. Add shock-absorbing equipment: Add shock-absorbing equipment to the pipeline to reduce resonance and noise. The normal operation of the dancing water fountain requires regular inspection and maintenance. Timely detection and resolution of faults can effectively extend the service life of the fountain and improve its viewing effect. Through the common faults and solutions introduced by Himalaya Music Fountain factory, it is believed that it can help maintenance personnel better perform daily maintenance and management of the music fountain.

Common Faults and Solutions of the Musical Dancing Fountain

News As a waterscape facility integrating water, light and music, the musical dancing fountain is widely used in public places such as city squares and parks. However, due to its complex mechanical and electronic systems, some faults may occur during use. Himalaya Fountain Company will introduce several common musical dancing fountain faults and their solutions …

Common Faults and Solutions of the Musical Dancing Fountain Read More »

1- Bellagio Dancing Fountain Show

Dancing Fountain: A Delight for All Senses

News In the realm of public attractions, few spectacles can rival the enchanting allure of a dancing fountain. These captivating water displays blend technology, art, and nature, creating mesmerizing performances that delight visitors of all ages. From bustling city centers to serene parks, dancing fountains have become iconic landmarks worldwide, drawing crowds and creating lasting …

Dancing Fountain: A Delight for All Senses Read More »

dry deck fountain

The Latest Musical Fountain Project By Himalaya Music Fountain Being Completed Successfully

News This musical dancing fountain is located in Miluo city, Hunan. It’s a square music fountain in a residential area, being designed with matrix chasing jet fountain, archway laminar jet fountain and bubbling fountain, with 238 fountain nozzles in total. The whole fountain project had been completed and accepted by customer on January 6th, 2021. …

The Latest Musical Fountain Project By Himalaya Music Fountain Being Completed Successfully Read More »


The Latest Musical Fountain Project By Himalaya Music Fountain Being Completed Successfully

This musical dancing fountain is located in Miluo city, Hunan. It’s a square music fountain in a residential area, being designed with matrix chasing jet fountain, archway laminar jet fountain and bubbling fountain, with 238 fountain nozzles in total. The whole fountain project had been completed and accepted by customer on January 6th, 2021.

The fountain design added the most popular DMX controlled lighting system and Himalaya self-developed fountain control software, which showed a spectacular effect on the opening day of the dancing fountain show, attracted thousands of local people coming to enjoy the show.

dry deck fountain
fountain installation