Himalaya Music Fountain


The Ultimate Guide to Water Fountain Installation: Tips and Tricks | Himalaya Music Fountain

The importance of fountains and why proper installation is crucial

If you have ever been to a picnic spot or a natural landscape, have you ever wondered about the one common thing we all love to see?

When we are close to nature, we love to see greenery and waterfalls. But at times we need to return to our boring working places. Fountains are the magic things that can be installed which can add pomp and joy to the dull and boring places.

Water fountains have many benefits, including improving the aesthetics of a space, providing a soothing sound, and improving air quality by adding moisture to the air. In addition, water fountains can also create a tranquil and peaceful environment, reducing stress levels and promoting relaxation.

Having said that, let’s now turn our discussion as to why water fountain installation needs to be done with care.

Why Proper Fountain Installation is Crucial?

While water fountains can provide numerous benefits, proper fountain installation is crucial to ensure that they function effectively and safely. Improper installation can multiple problems like:

  • Leakage
  • Electrical hazards
  • Damage to the equipment

They can even pose a safety risk.

Proper installation ensures that the fountain is level, secure, and has the appropriate drainage system to prevent water buildup and damage. In addition, proper installation includes ensuring that the electrical components are installed correctly and safely. This also includes proper grounding of the fountains to prevent the electrical shocks.

Choosing the right location, size, design of your water fountain

After you have made up your mind to install the fountain, the next step is to opt for a proper type of fountain. There is a wide variety to choose among the indoor water fountains and outdoor water fountains.

Depending on what’s your motto, and other considerations you can finalize the fountain. For example you can choose  a water fountain that entertains the people, or else a water fountain that encourages them to do physical exercise, you can choose interactive fountains if you wish to gather large crowds etc.

At Himalaya Music Fountain company, we have all sorts of music fountains to suit your needs. As a fountain manufacturer below are some of tips you should consider

Here’s a quick guide for you.

Location: Where to Place Your Water Fountain

Choosing the right location is crucial when installing a  water fountain. The first consideration should be the purpose of the fountain. Is it for indoor or outdoor use?

If it’s for outdoor use, consider the natural landscape. Natural landscapes could include the presence of trees, bushes and other plants. If it is for indoor use, ensure that the fountain complements the interior decor of the space. The location should also be easily accessible for maintenance and cleaning purposes.

Size: Finding the Perfect Fit

The size of your water fountain is another important consideration. It’s important to choose a size that complements that surrounding area without overpowering it. A larger fountain may work well in a spacious area, while a small fountain may be more suitable indoors. As a fountain manufacturer, we prefer to carry out audit or ask you to fill a simple questionnaire that can give us an idea about your needs.

A small fountain in a large room may look out of place, while a large fountain in a small rook may make the room feel cramped. So you need to pay particular attention while choosing the size of the water fountain.

Design: Choosing the Right Style

Water fountains come in a variety of styles. This includes modern, traditional and abstract styles. While choosing a water fountain it is necessary to choose the proper design. The design that you choose should complement the surrounding space and match your personal style.

For example, a modern-style fountain may look odd in a classic garden while a traditional-style fountain may seem un-appropriate for a contemporary space. A water fountain manufacturer can guide you to choose it in a better way.

The design should also match the overall purpose of the fountain. If it’s for relaxation and meditation, a simpler design with a gentle flow may be appropriate. If it is designed for entertainment then it can be an interactive fountain with lots of other features.

Maintenance: Keeping Your Fountain Clean and Functional

Installing a water fountain is a one time job. However, regular maintenance is necessary if you wish to keep it in a working condition. Regular cleaning and upkeep are necessary to prevent buildup of algae and other contaminants. Algae and contaminants can affect the functionality of the fountain and can also cause long term damage to the equipment.

As a water fountain manufacturer, we have seen that at times people give ‘annual maintenance contracts’ to fountain manufacturers for maintaining the fountains. This is also a good alternative.

Tools and equipment needed for installation

The tools and equipment needed for a fountain installation can vary depending on the type of fountain, its size, and the installation location.

However, some common tools and equipments that may be needed for a fountain installation are:

  1.  Shovel or digging equipment: If the fountain requires excavation or a hole needs to be dug for the fountain’s base, a shovel or digging equipment may be necessary.
  2. Power drill: A power drill may be needed to drill holes for screws and bolts or to create holes for water lines.
  3. Level: A level is essential to ensure that the fountain is installed on a level surface.
  4. Screwdriver: A screwdriver may be needed to tighten screws and bolts during the installation process.
  5. Pipe cutter: A pipe cutter may be necessary to cut pipes to the required lengths during the installation process.
  6. Pilers: Pliers may be needed to grip and hold small parts during the installation process.
  7. Water lines: Depending on the fountain’s design, water lines may be needed to connect the water pump to the fountain.
  8. Hose and fittings: Hose and fittings may be necessary to connect the fountain to the water source and the drainage system.
  9. Electrical wiring and components: If the fountain requires electrical components such as lighting, an electrical wiring system may be needed.
  10. Fountain basin: the fountain basin is the foundation of the fountain, and it can be made from various materials such as concrete, stone, or plastic.
  11. Fountain head or nozzle: The fountain head or nozzle is the component that produces the water display and can come in various sizes and shapes.

Most of the time you don’t have to arrange for the instruments needed for the installation. As a water fountain manufacturer company, we bring all instruments required for fountain installation.

Here are a few pro tips that you should consider if you want your fountain to work in a perfect condition.

Tips for keeping your water fountain in top condition

Here are a few tips you should keep in mind if you want your fountain to work in perfect condition.

  1. Clean the fountain regularly: Regular cleaning is essential to prevent algae buildup and to keep the water clean. Depending on the fountain’s size and frequency of use, you may need to clean the fountain once a week or more.
  2. Change the water frequently: Changing the water every one or two weeks can help prevent the buildup of algae, bacteria, and other contaminants. It is also recommended to add a water clarifier or fountain cleaner to help the water clean.
  3. Check the water level: Ensure that the water level is maintained to prevent the water pump from running dry, which can damage the pump.
  4. Inspect the fountain pump: Check the fountain pump regularly for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Replace the pump if necessary.
  5. Protect the fountain during the winter: If you live in an area with freezing temperatures, drain the water from the fountain and store it indoors to prevent damage from freezing.
  6. Seal cracks and leaks: If you notice any cracks or leaks in the fountain, seal them to prevent water from escaping and causing damage.
  7. Use high-quality materials: Use high-quality materials when installing or repairing your fountain to ensure durability and longevity.

How can the Himalaya Music Fountain Help You?

At Himalaya Music Fountain company, we suggest the best fountains to suit your needs. Right from the installation stage, till the maintenance; we take care of all of your needs.

Do call us if you need professional guidance for installing fountains, do get in touch with us. You can visit our website and fill the inquiry form.